WASO Executive Director
On behalf of WASO organisation we are grateful for visiting WASO website. We welcome your constructive ideas and suggestions to help us grow further and reach more KVP in a better way.
Thank you very much, and wishing you all the best.
The Wake up And Support others Organization(WASO) is a Non-profit and Non-Governmental Organisation that primarily focuses on Key and Vulnerable Populations’ (KVPs) rights to access health services.
WASO headquarters is located at Yombo Vituka ward in Temeke, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Initially the organisation started operations as Community Based Organisation (CBO) in 2009 thereafter got registered in 2015 by the government as Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) under non-Governmental Organization ACT of 2002 with registration number OONGO/00007773.The Organization is registered to operate in Tanzania Mainland.
The organization’s commitment is to promote, support and advocate for the rights to access health services for all human beings irrespective of gender, age and other whatsoever status.
The main target groups for the advocacy are the Key and Vulnerable Populations (KVPs) whose vulnerability to acquisition of HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is high. The aim is to have all forms of stigma and discrimination attached to the KVP eliminated thereby making easier for them to access friendly health services.
If you like WASO Organisation and would like to support , or need some specific issue implemented, then we appreciate your donation. All donations go straight WASO Organisation